Grabbing JSON Data from One Web Page and Displaying it in Another

Lots of web pages represent data within the page as a javascript object. But if you want to make use of that data in another page, how can you do that?

A case in point is Yahoo Pipes. The only place I’m currently aware of where we can look at how a particular Yahoo pipe is constructed is the Yahoo Pipes editor. The pipe is represented as a Javascript object within the page (as described in Starting to Think About a Yahoo Pipes Code Generator), but it’s effectively locked into the page.

So here’s a trick for liberating that representation…

Firstly, we need to know what the name of the object is. In the case of Yahoo Pipes, the pipe’s definition is contained in the editor.pipe.definition [NO: it’s in editor.pipe.working] object.

In order to send the object to another page on the web, the first thing we need to do is generate a text string view of it that we can POST to another web page. This serialised representation of the object can be obtained by calling the .toSource() function on it.

The following bookmarklets show what that representation looks like.

<!– *** [UPDATE: the following bookmarks don't provide a complete description of the pipe – .toSource() doesnlt appear to dig into arrays… ]*** <- WRONG…I thought the missing data is in the terminaldata but it isn’t.. hmmm… –> UPDATE – found it? editor.pipe.module_info DOUBLE UPDATE: nah… that is more the UI side of things.., so where are the actual pipe RULEs defined (e.g. the rules in a Regular Expression block
UPDATE – found the RULE data – *** UPDATE 2 – Found it… I should be using editor.pipe.working NOT editor.pipe.definition

Firstly, we can display the serialised representation in a browser alert box:


Alternatively, we can view it in the browser console (for example, in Firefox, we might do this via the Firebug plugin):


The object actually contains several other objects, not all of which are directly relevant to the logical definition of the pipe (e.g. they are more to do with layout), so we can modify the console logging bookmarklet to make it easier to see the two objects we are interested in – the definitions of each of the pipe blocks (that is, the pipe editor.pipe.definition.modules), and the connections that exist between the modules (editor.pipe.definition.wires; [UPDATE: we also need the terminaldata]):

javascript:(function(){var c=console.log;var p=editor.pipe.working;c('MODULES: '+p.modules.toSource());c('WIRES: '+p.wires.toSource());c('TERMINALS: '+p.terminaldata.toSource())})()

[terminaldata not shown]

To actually send the representation to another web page, we can use a bookmarklet to dynamically create a form element, attach the serialised object to it as a form argument, append the form to the page and then submit it:

javascript:(function(){var ouseful={};ouseful=editor.pipe.working;ouseful=ouseful.toSource(); var oi=document.createElement('form');oi.setAttribute('method','post');oi.setAttribute('name','oif');oi.setAttribute('action','');var oie=document.createElement('input');oie.setAttribute('type','text');oie.setAttribute('name','data');oie.setAttribute('value',ouseful);oi.appendChild(oie);document.body.appendChild(oi);document.oif.submit();})()

In this case, the page I am submitting the form to is a PHP page. The code to accept the POST serilaised object, and then republish as a javascript object wrapped in a callback function (i.e. package it so it can be copied and then used within a web page).

$str= $_POST['data'];
$str = substr($str, 1, strlen($str) - 2); // remove outer ( and )
echo &quot;ypdp(&quot;.$str.&quot;)&quot;;

[Note that I did try to parse the object using PHP, but I kept hitting all sorts of errors with the parsing of it… The simplest approach was just to retransmit the object as Javascript so it could be handled by a browser.]

If we want to display the serialsed version of the object in another page, rather than in an alert box or the browser console, we need to pass the the serialised object within the URI using an HTTP GET to the other page, so we can generate a link to it. For long pipes, this might break..*

*(Anyone know of an equivalent to a URL shortening service that will accept HTTP POST arguments and give you a short URL that will do a POST on your behalf? [As well as the POST payload we’d need to pass the target URL (i.e. the address to which the POST data is to be sent), to the shortener. It would then give you a short URL, such that when you click on it it will POST the data to the desired target URL. I suppose another approach would be a service that will store the post data for you, give you a short URI in return, and then you call the short URI with the address of the page you want the data posted to as a key?)

PS If you do run the bookmarklet to generate a URI that contains the serialised version of the pipe, (that is, use a GET method in the form and a $_GET handler in the PHP script), you can load the object (wrapped in the ypdp() callback function) into your own page via a <script> element in the normal way, by setting the src attribute of the script to the URI that includes the serialsed version of the pipe description.

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...

3 thoughts on “Grabbing JSON Data from One Web Page and Displaying it in Another”

  1. On reflection a POST request shortener is a very dangerous idea… <- via @cgutteridge: "quick test shows that a POST redirect service is possible (using javascript to click the button on a form)"

    [So it seems like this was posted via form elsewhere… I still need to think through what's going on and why … so for example, what makes POST different security wise from GET… On reflection (!), I think what I was in part looking for was a way to bookmark POST content…?]

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