My CETIS 2008 Presentations

I’ve just spent a most enjoyable couple of days at the CETIS 2008 event in Birmingham, where I particpated in a couple of sessions on the future of the VLE, and HE APIs.

Just for the record, here’s the presentation I gave in the VLE session (“Web 2.ools and the VLE“):

(Mark Stiles was kind enough to say how he liked the slides, and in particular the way in which the pictures weren’t about anything at all…;-)

[Transcript of liveblog/tweeting: I was on around 3pm]

And here are the presentations I didn’t give in the APIs session – “APIs Wot I Play Wiv“:

And “What I’d Like From JISC APIs“:

Instead, I ran through the Data Scraping Wikipedia with Google Spreadsheets mashup; somewhere along the way, the idea of a “speed mashup” was introduced… this is maybe something I’ll try out at the Mashed Library event tomorrow….. err, later today… One thing that did come out of the session for me is that maybe there really is an opportunity for some sort of roadshow/masterclass around the very idea of mashups, with some quick and effective mashup demos along the way (which are, apparently, quite “intimidating” compared to what you can and canlt do with educational system APIs…;-)

There’s a few more notes – and some blatant self-promotion – on the CETIS08 APIs session wiki. Note to self: play with the PROD project discovery API.

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...